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                                                            Debates, events, publications  

     Barcelona, June 18, 2010
     Ghent, November 18, 2010
     Kőszeg, June 25, July 9,  2011
     Brussels, November 29, 2011

     Emerging realities in the European Agora
Is it possible to see Europe as an open society, as a complex system
     characterized by a multiplicity of multiple connections in motion ?

French version - - Return to page Programmes and Related Documents


During the EU-presidency trio in 2010-2011 of Spain, Belgium and Hungary, a common project has been developed to explore, in a multidisciplinary and open reflection, the emergence of Europe in a context of globalization, deterritorialization and complex cultural dynamics. Indeed, the reflection about contemporary Europe should rise above the level of issues such as identity, ethnic conflicts, the nation-state, religious tolerance and essentialist cultural values. The complexity of today’s society calls for a new input in academic, political and public thought, in order to deal with the countless less or more unpredictable events and interactions which take place in today's local and global social world. The current reality asks for a focus on interactions in multiple contexts and networks.

Sofar, the EuroTrail has set up three symposiums (in Barcelona in June 2010, in Ghent in November 2010 and in Köszeg in June 2011). At these seminars, recent innovative interpretations and models were discussed, and a new proposal or synthesis on the subject of ‘Europe as a reality/ Europe as a project’ developed.

Three seminars to get Europe as an interactive system and a tool allowing to live together :

  • Emerging realities in the European space: complexity, mobility and intercultural dynamics - Barcelona, June 18, 2010
  • Official EU-iconography vs contemporary realities. Urbanity and diversity as a condition - Ghent, November 18, 2010
  • The future of the European social model - In the frame of the XVI th International Summer University 2011: Reinventing the Future - New Strategies in Global Management and the Role of Europe - Kőszeg, June 25 - July 9, 2011

A meeting to present the conclusions of the three first seminars and make proposals in action-oriented perspectives:

  • The EuroTrail - Re-thinking Realities, Europe as an Agora of Interactions - European Parliament, Brussels, November 29, 2011


Today’s socio-cultural and political dynamics are critically analyzed from different perspectives. What is the European society becoming – what should European society become? How can we integrate and make sense of concepts and images about mobility, interconnectedness, cosmopolitanism, interculturality, urbanity, citizenship, democracy, migrations, cultural differences and hybridisation? How can we develop a post-national logic and imagination about European society?

The seminars focused on :

  • the further development of a conceptual discourse and a view on active citizenship that goes beyond identity or identification;
  • the description of emergent dynamics, innovative movements, (inter)actions and systems, as well as the political shifts and frictions emerging from the complex intercultural dynamics;
  • the exploration of Europe’s imageries regarding global and local concerns in a shared public space.

This also implies the imagination of strategies for action:

  • strategies adapting to the new, changing, open and fluid forms of the social, where individuals are part of society and at the same time, society is present in each individual;
  • strategies for the construction of the political and social, with participation and dialogue as basic instruments;
  • strategies in which dissent, crisis and conflict are integrated, as well as diversity, pluralism and a multiplicity of lifestyles.
  • SEMINAR 1 : June 18, 2010 (Cidob, Barcelona)

Emerging realities in the European space: complexity, mobility and intercultural dynamics

Europe’s citizens have no common history, but a common future to share. We need to recognize that ‘Europe is diversity’. Europe consists of a multiplicity of identities with their own memories and desires of belonging. What could be ‘the missing link’ to facilitate the integration and include this myriad of constants and variables without constructing a new pseudo ‘superior’-identity?

  • SEMINAR 2 : November 18, 2010 (Ghent University)

Official EU-iconography vs contemporary realities. Urbanity and diversity as a condition

Starting from a critical analysis of the official EU iconography, Eu-Trail Ghent investigated the constraints and possible formats of contemporary European citizenship acting in a post- or beyond nation-state logic. One of the challenges is to identify processes and goals that are situated in the European agora of interaction which does not function according to nation-state lines, nor is an emanation of cultural/ linguistic/ religious identities. In the citizenship beyond nation-states (in the European agora) the consciousness of difference and of non-absoluteness of borders becomes central. Re-thinking both the notions ‘citizenship’ and ‘Europe’, based on actual social interactions, may contribute to the development of a broad and action oriented view on identity dynamics – with the ambition to stimulate and contribute actively to the democratic debate.

  • SEMINAR 3 : during the XVIth International Summer University - June 25 to July 9 -(Köszeg, ISES)

The future of the European social model In the frame of the XVI th International Summer University:
Reinventing the Future - New Strategies in Global Management and the Role of Europe

  • MEETING BRUSSELS: November 29, 2011 (European Parliament,  Nov.29, 2011)

The EuroTrail -Rethinking Realities - Europe as an Agora of Interactions

A meeting to present the conclusions of the threee first seminars,  and to open on action - oriented perspectives.


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